It is humorous when man attempts to lecture God. The lecturer will often direct their words at another person, but the unstated purpose is to superimpose their worldview over scripture and tell God where He got it wrong. Too often, the truth of the scripture is lost in the attempt to make the Bible fit their worldview. However, if our worldview is based on the Bible, we don’t need to manipulate the teachings. It is the old adage that every time you lie, you must remember to whom you told the lie and what the lie was to stay consistent. Tell the truth to begin with; it is a better place to be.

God created the heavens, the earth, and all things that live on and in them (Deuteronomy 10:14). He also created the laws of nature (Romans 1:20) and the laws man should follow (Genesis 9 & Exodus 20). It is up to Him to tell man how to abide by and apply His laws within His creation. He hasn’t changed, and His laws and expectations haven’t changed. We should not presume to lecture man if we do not first attempt to understand God’s Word and history. Those in church leadership will be held to a higher standard than the laity in the pews.

As culture attempts to redefine Biblical principles, the church has to stand on the infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 2:14-17). Many will interpret God’s Word to satisfy their own devices (2 Peter 3:16). They will attempt to shame those following the Bible with pontifications based on their interpretation of what love is and what a follower of Christ should do. This line of reasoning comes from some in the pulpit and many on the street who have never researched a word in the Bible. As Christ quoted Isaiah, these “worship Me in vain” (Matthew 15:8 & 9).

While observing many memes and posts about the “Bishop” at the National Cathedral, I am struck by how easily her words are refuted and heaped back on her like burning coals. This is with a cursory review of the Word of God. It does not take a doctoral prepared Theologian to point out false teaching, historical errors, and empty doctrinal points. I won’t go into great detail here because many have already pointed out the failings of her words. God was not in what she said. These were her pontifications and an attempt to make herself appear culturally relevant. Christ was never concerned with cultural relevance, and as leaders in the church, neither should we.

 One point the bishop brought out was the border crisis. A review of several books in the Bible shows that God made borders. He defined countries and told the inhabitants to protect their own. For anyone to suggest, especially with the supposed backing of the Bible, that protecting our borders and deporting illegal aliens is against God shows a complete lack of knowledge of God’s Word. If someone has broken the laws of the land, they are to be punished. They are stealing, coveting, and, in many cases, murdering. That is the violation of three of the Ten Commandments. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves—Christ’s own words—and I expect me to abide by the laws of this nation, so I expect my neighbor to do the same. We are all happy to have legal immigration. If it weren’t for that, the vast majority of us would not be here. Therefore, follow the laws, apply, and be admitted. You will be welcomed. And before anyone accuses me of being anti-immigration, I have helped several immigrants enter and acclimate to this country. Granted, the process is not cheap and takes a while, but since it is the law, follow it.

This bishop went on to lecture the United States on policies about LGBTQ, abortion, etc. Unfortunately, she forgot that a person dies in every abortion. That is murder and a violation of the 6th Commandment. Is she teaching her flock to humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, and repent of their sin? If not, she has violated the commandment and will be held accountable. Is she teaching her flock that God loves them and wants each to be saved (2 Peter 3:9)? Salvation requires all of us to repent from our sins. She said many in the LGBTQ lifestyle fear for their life. And they should, but not their mortal life at the hands of conservatives or the government! It is their immortal life for which they should fear. She needs to tell her flock that they are in the Hands of a Loving God and they should fear His judgment—a judgment of their sin, not of them as a person. God has told us in 1 Corinthians 6: 9 & 10 that many will not enter heaven unless they know Christ and have repented of their sins. Tell them that truth!

All I want to do in this post is direct church leaders to scripture for their talking points. Don’t overlay God’s Word with your opinions or attempts at cultural relevancy (Matthew 5:18 and Revelations 22: 18 & 19). God wants our help/work in spreading His good news to a fallen world. He doesn’t need us to rewrite or lie about what He clearly said in His Word. As leaders in the church, we need to adhere to His laws and teach His Word regardless of how we may feel. Feelings are not truth regardless of how much current culture wants to think they are. Feelings are feelings; truth is truth. It is stunning that anyone would have to articulate that point in a thinking world. God gave us the truth; just teach the truth.

Kevin Uncategorized

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