“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12

The darkness of this time can seem overwhelming. We are faced with the manifestations of witchcraft and other unbridled evil in our government, schools, communities, jobs, and even our families. When writing to the Ephesians, Paul knew the struggle then, and God sees our fight now. In fact, He prepared us to face today’s evil with the Gospel. It is, after all, “Living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

We are witnessing evil across the globe: Israel being attacked and forced to defend itself yet again, Ukraine and Russia fighting a war manipulated by the military-industrial complex, while child sex trafficking goes unabated everywhere. In addition, the U.S. government’s calculated under-response to many “natural” disasters at home has exacerbated the suffering of our fellow man. The judiciary in this country is primarily corrupt except for a few good judges, such as Clarence Thomas and a couple of others. The election system is corrupted and untrustworthy. Having had personal experience with this matter, I can bring the legal receipts. Therefore, I repeat my oft-stated byline: do not look to the government for help. Instead, look to our Father God, for from Him alone will come our help (Psalm 121:1-2). 

The first area I want to highlight in exposing the evil we fight revolves around freedoms guaranteed by God and codified in the First Amendment. Our rights have long been recognized as coming from God, not government. They are “unalienable rights, endowed by our Creator,”[i] not man. For over 5,000 years of recorded history, God created nations and governments as part of these rights. He set the borders for Israel and all 12 tribes and other surrounding nations (Deuteronomy 2: 4-6 and others). He first established the government utilizing judges and then installed a king at the Israelites’ request. In all of this, the Israelites had the right to collective self-determination.[ii] They had freedom of movement, speech, assembly, and the right to hold and protect their borders and private property. Our Founding Fathers built those same protections into our Constitution and notified the world in the Declaration of Independence that we, as a nation, will not stand by and let anyone usurp those rights, whether foreign or domestic.

Today, there are those inside government, media, science/academia, and society who label speech they do not agree with as disinformation, misinformation, or malinformation. Their attempts to unilaterally constrain open debate are no longer hidden, as evident in the suppression of scientific dialogue during the COVID debacle and the general lack of reporting counterfactual information. At various times, Hilary Clinton, George W. Bush, Biden, Harris, and John Kerry have expressed their desire to constrain or eliminate the First Amendment’s right to free speech because truth to them is a pesky little thing (I paraphrased John Adam’s quote).

Then we have the anti-religion group. The First Amendment expressly forbids the government from engaging in any activity that prohibits the establishment of or free exercise of any religion. The uninformed revisionists attempt to use Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists as proof of a “wall of separation between church and state.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The “wall of separation” is not in the Constitution but was a phrase Jefferson used to explain that the government would never interfere with the “establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof” (1st Amendment to The Constitution, December 15, 1791). His intent, as supported in later letters, made it clear that religion always had been and would continue to be welcomed in all public spaces.[iii] The curiosity is that those attempting to build this fabricated wall aim at Christianity and not Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, satanism, or other religions. Why? Perhaps it is because we are the most dangerous to satan and his minions.

To clarify the importance of this, we live in a Constitutional Republic. Unfortunately, most graduates of public schools, the media, and our governmental leaders do not know the country’s history or laws, so they refer to it as a democracy. It is not a democracy. The Founding Fathers knew and wrote extensively about the mob rule associated with democracy and how that form of government had never survived in any nation-state. History has proven their wisdom and why God gave us these founders to craft a divinely inspired document governing our laws. When asked by a Philadelphia resident, Mrs. Powell. “Well, doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”  Benjamin Franklin informed her, “A republic, madam—if you can keep it.”[iv] Article 4, section 4 of the Constitution guarantees this “Republican” form of government in all states.

The Constitution of the United States of America has survived for 235 years, making it the longest-surviving constitution in the world. The words crafted by our founders were inspired directly by the Bible. The Founding Fathers were mostly followers of Christ, regardless of what revisionist history tries to convey—again, I have the receipts in the form of original letters, documents, etc. In the Founders’ original writings, the Bible is quoted over 32% of the time, making it the most quoted document in those writings.[v] We are a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian values regardless of Obama’s misinformed, unilateral pronouncement. On two occasions, the Supreme Court also declared that the US was founded on these principles. Therefore, the argument of those who want to fundamentally change these United States moves from fact-based to one focused on the desire to avoid history and law in attempting to force change. If, through the Republican process, a majority of Americans want to change America’s foundations, I will accept it. I may not like it and reserve the right to fight it civilly, but I will accept it. This is why we have the paradox. Our rights are guaranteed by God, codified in the Constitution, but attacked by government, culture, family, media, and satan. As leaders, we will assuredly have to boldly stand in opposition to one, if not all, of these forces as we fight for the truth and preservation of our freedoms.

[i] Declaration of Independence. (1776).

[ii] Hazony. Y. (2018). The Virtue of Nationalism. Basic Books.

[iii] Barton. D. (2016) The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson. WND books

[iv] Metaxas. E. (2016). If You Can Keep It: A Forgotten Promise of American Liberty. Viking. The quote is taken from the writings of Dr. James McHenry, a convention delegate from Maryland.

[v] Lutz. D. S. (1988) The Origins of American Constitutionalism. Louisiana State University Press.

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